LETTERS: City by the sea of cars


Guess what? In Alberta towns and cities, they have manhole covers that are even with the road surface.


As a citizen of upper White Rock, I am very concerned about the proposed towers between Martin and Foster streets.

Has city council even thought about the people who live and work in this area? Have they asked our opinion, or are they ruled by big developers?

Buildings 26, 26 and 25 storeys high means about 1,000 more people and as many cars. Cars have to be parked, driven to and from the buildings and it is already very difficult to find parking in this area. I understand there will be underground parking, but they have friends and family and also often two cars per family.

I understand that this many people will bring in taxes, but to what cost? More accidents, more congestion, more police needed and not to mention more staff and vehicles for the fire department.

Do we even have enough water for these planned towers?

And what about children? Are children going to live in these buildings, or are they not welcome to upper White Rock? Where will children play and ride their bikes? Where are the parks and greenbelts in this area? Centennial Park is the only one, but not exactly close.

I guess we have to depend on the ‘City of Parks’ next door to find trees and green spaces. Even us older people like that more than the sea of skyscrapers and parking lots that our ‘City by the Sea’ is planning for us.

Common sense would be to build buildings that fit in with what’s already around that lot. We have four-, eight- and 10-storey buildings around there.

Make something nice of that lot, not mega buildings that will dwarf everything around us, even block out the sun. We are not downtown Vancouver or Burnaby’s Metrotown.

Please do not allow those enormous highrises in our beautiful little city.

G. Lindgren, White Rock



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