The mayor of White Rock’s efforts to relocate trains from the area is appreciated by others, writes Susan Potzold.

The mayor of White Rock’s efforts to relocate trains from the area is appreciated by others, writes Susan Potzold.

LETTERS: City must keep on top of trains


Re: Mayors start 2015 by setting the bar high, Jan. 6.


Re: Mayors start 2015 by setting the bar high, Jan. 6.

It is with heartfelt joy that I say, “Thank you, Mayor Wayne Baldwin” for keeping rail relocation on your agenda for 2015.

The fact that you put it as your number-one priority gives those of us who have worked so hard to try to make White Rock and its beaches safer for all those who live and visit here very hopeful.

With continued news of derailments we certainly expect that all levels of government will rally around the City of White Rock and Crescent Beach to fix this problem before we have the kind of name recognition associated with Lac Mégantic.

You know there are many of us ready to answer the call for help on this big job; heck, you know many of us are still working behind the scenes to make this move happen as soon as possible. And we are so grateful to have you as the leader for this most imperative safety move.

Susan Potzold, White Rock



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