LETTERS: City noise intolerable


Re: Thoughts on noise pollution, July 22 letters.


Re: Thoughts on noise pollution, July 22 letters.

Kudos to Ole Nygaard for pointing out the growing noise pollution in White Rock. I am on a street one block up from the beach, and am astounded at the continuing disregard for the residents nearby.

First we have the constant train whistles at all hours; now we have several speeding garbage trucks each day. They are loud, aggressively fast, and generally make no attempt to avoid blocking vehicles from getting around them.

We have idiots inflicting their head-banger “music” via a constant stream of boom boxes; construction workers continually play similar ear-blasting music as if they think everyone wants to hear it.

How can people be so inconsiderate?

Motorcycles assault the ears constantly. Car alarms keep going off. And now, unbelievably, we have to put up with helicopters flying tourists around the beach area and irritating paraglider noises.

One would expect a tolerable level of noise near the beach, but it is becoming increasingly intolerable.

We once had noise bylaws. Why are they not being enforced as aggressively as parking violations? I wish city council would do something to make our beautiful beach area an escape from city noise, as many come here to do just that, yet the area is more and more an assault to the ears.

B. Cunningham, White Rock




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