LETTERS: Clear any confusion

Editor: While walking, it is difficult without passing an individual or group enjoying a cigarette.


I do not want to butt in… but please butt out.

During regular walks on the White Rock promenade, I have noticed an increased diversity of visitors walking along the beach and pier. It is stimulating to hear the various languages and see the variety of ethnicities taking in the views offered by Semiahmoo Bay.

Increasingly, while walking, it is becoming more difficult to do so without having to pass an individual or group enjoying a cigarette while taking in the view on the brick path.

On occasions, I respectively pointed out that smoking is not allowed on the promenade by gesturing to the signs attached to the chain-link fencing along the railway. In most instances, the smokers were not aware of the English-only signs and responded by butting out. In other instances, it required a scrutiny of the wording on the sign.

With a seemingly increase in visitors with origins from countries where English may not be the first language, it is time the City of White Rock recognizes and respect the increased diversity of visitors to the beach walkway and take action to add other languages to the signs.

The costs associated with the additions should be offset by a reduction in the city’s clean-up costs of cigarette butts along the walkway.

Neil Moody, White Rock

Peace Arch News