Letters: Climate change and Tim Hortons

Cheap places to eat/shop are not always the best for the community

While Don summed up the problem of having Walmart and Tim Hortons in Sooke nicely I want to add one thing, as someone who has worked for a large company.

People have a tendency to justify places like Tim’s and Walmart by saying that they are cheap places to shop and eat, that create jobs for low income families and youth. These are great points but if you’ve ever been to a Tim Hortons, you know the look of disgust on the waiter’s face as you order your coffee.

Why anyone would want a business in their community that creates bad jobs, health problems, and frankly horribly ugly buildings is beyond me. We already have several very nice coffee shops in Sooke, and I hope that if you feel we need more cheap coffee you’ll consider trying one of these local businesses first, every thing from the service to the facade is better, yes you will pay more but you’ll be able to support a business that actually values your community and its employees.

Joanna Gower


Sooke News Mirror