LETTERS: Climate change psychosis

I am glad to see that our MP Richard Cannings has settled into his new job and is eager to serve the constituents of our riding.

I am glad to see that our MP Richard Cannings has settled into his new job and is eager to serve the constituents of our riding.

I will soon be visiting his newly opened office to ask our new MP to recommend a good psychiatrist, as according to Mr. Canning’s year end statements I am suffering from some sort of psychological disorder. To Cannings, anybody who doesn’t ascribe to the pseudo-science of human-caused global warming is a delusional victim of spurious internet sites. Of course, our PM is not alone in this self-righteous, quite arrogant opinion. Scientific experts like actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who actually believes that the occurrence of a Calgary chinook is proof of global warming, ex-Premier Mike Harcourt, artist Robert Bateman, Regional District director Tom Siddon and even the editor of Penticton’s daily newspaper share this belief. If such luminaries believe that CO2 emissions are the cause of climate change then human caused global warming must definitely be true.

Out of courtesy, I will be sending out emails to scientists Dr. Tim Ball, Dr. Willie Soon, Prof. Henrik Svensmark, Ben Deniston and authors Paul Driessen and Joanne Nova for starters, to warn them that they might unwittingly be victims of the dreaded “climate change sceptic psychosis.” Unfortunately, these folks have been scientifically and cogently rebuting anthropogenic global warming for many years now and are probably well beyond psychiatric remediation. I know I will not need to alert Dr. Vincent Gray, a former climate alarmist and contributor to the IPCC who has realized the fraud of human-caused climate change, deeming the panel’s renderings “an orchestrated litany of lies.”

The head of the World Federation of Scientists blasted climate change hysteria in an interview with the Naples daily Il Mattino Dec. 29, 2015 stating, “To say that man is responsible for global over-heating is a baseless enormity, pure cultural pollution. Man’s action affects climate no more than 10 per cent. Ninety percent of climate change is ruled by natural phenomena, whose future evolutions scientists do not know and cannot know … We researchers can barely say what the weather will be in 15 years, forget in 100 years.”

If our new MP wishes to engage the constituents of the riding he should present a public information forum on climate change. I would be anxious to attend.

There are many nefarious internet sites that dare to question human-caused climate change and while at the risk of causing psychological trauma, are worth checking out — www.wattsupwiththat.com, www.friendsofscience.com, www.notrickszone.com, www.iloveco2.com, www.climatedepot.com and  www.21stcenturysciencetech.com

Brian Gray




Penticton Western News