Letters: Community invited to Sikh celebrations

The Committee of the Western Singh Sabha Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) invites everyone to attend the Gurdwara’s Vaisakhi celebration.


The Committee of the Western Singh Sabha Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) invites everyone regardless of religious belief or lack thereof to attend the Gurdwara’s Vaisakhi celebration on behalf of the congregation.

Vaisakhi refers to the Harvest Festival that coincided with a great gathering of Sikhs on April 13, 1699 at Anandpur, Punjab.

This gathering marked the baptism of the first five Khalsa Sikhs and thereby began a 117 year tradition that celebrates the official birth of the Sikh religion.

This weekend the congregation celebrates this birthday and extends a warm welcome to everyone to join us.

Please attend the three day celebration on Friday, April 15, Saturday, April 16 and Sunday, April 17.

Our Sangat especially requests everyone plan on attending the replacement of the Nishan Sahib (Sikh flag) on Saturday, April 16 at 4 p.m.

An essential part of the celebration involves eating traditional Punjabi foods and sweets throughout the three-day celebration.

The Sangat also encourages any questions while visiting the temple.

Please drop by 3015 Pine Street in Glendale at any time, but especially during our Vaisakhi celebrations.

Baldish Singh Sunner (Bob Singh)

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune