Letters: ‘Consult the taxpayers first’

Isn’t it a done deal by then?

Letters: ‘Consult the taxpayers first’

Editor, The News:

Re: Maple Ridge shelter location has been selected (The News, Aug. 10).

The announcement of the location of the new low-barrier shelter will be announced this week and then a new round of community consultation will take place.

Isn’t it a done deal by then?

Mayor Nicole Read said “if the site is not approved as a suitable location … after public consultation … ”

Shouldn’t the taxpayers be consulted before you spend their money?

And she goes on to say that she doesn’t think it is ever a bad thing for the city to own property.

Property flipping?

Where does that money go?

The public rally against the proposed Quality Inn shelter did not result in a negative impression of Maple Ridge.

People I have talked to in various B.C. cities were applauding that Maple Ridge was standing up and trying to take back the city.

And what does “there will be public engagement during the rezoning process” mean?

Thank you, Coun. Gordy Robson for at least saying “the public should ultimately decide the issue.”

But have you all been listening to the public?

To the public. To the people. Us.

S. Shea

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News