LETTERS: Council is not a hired position

For city council to vote themselves the benefits of medical expenses funded by the electorate is reprehensible.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  — Edmund Burke.

And the only thing necessary to allow city council to become self-seeking mountebanks is for the electorate to do nothing and allow them.

For city council to vote themselves the benefits of medical expenses funded by the electorate is reprehensible and goes beyond their mandate to represent the people of Penticton.

They knew what the rewards were for representing the citizens of Penticton when they ran for council, and it did not include medical expenses. They are not staff, they are elected officials. Their integrity has been tainted and their ability to make sound rational decisions away from ‘what’s in it for me?’ is  now questionable.

It would be interesting to know which one of the brain trust came up with the idea  and convinced the rest of them to go along with the scam.

Jim Calvert




Penticton Western News