Letters: CRD ploy?

Closure of the Leech Watershed concerns area resident

Mr. Hicks is concerned the CRD water services is again on the march to close another watershed to recreation, that they might use in 15 years.

Where was our Sooke councillor who sits on that Water Board?

How about asking the Water Services branch of the CRD to put their  considerable resources and energy into getting running water in all the sinks of Sooke residents who have been paying taxes for more than 25 years into  the infrastructure of the CRD.

The CRD seems to be bent on closing areas to any traffic under the guise of protection of the water sources.   Seems heavy handed since much larger water boards have been able to manage safe water from recreation areas in  and around their water sheds. Think Vancouver citizens drinking water from the side of Grouse Mountain’s hiking and ski trails.  Think Calgary citizens  drinking water from the Glenmore Dam after much recreation has happened in the water later entering the drinking water supply.

Wait a minute, perhaps the CRD hasn’t built the system to take safe water from a recreation area and make it potable (drinkable).  Could that be the reason CRD feels the need to close areas to any recreational use?  They used that excuse for years for closing Harbourview Road. Now they want the Leech Watershed.

If Calgary and Vancouver can multi-task recreation areas for drinking water should we not demand the same here? Well, not until everyone in the village who has been paying for years for water services through taxes has the water they pay for, running in their sinks.

Thank you Mr. Hicks for picking up on the latest ploy of the CRD.

R. Low

Otter Point

Sooke News Mirror