Letters: Create honest dialogue

More comments on Cpl. Scott Hilderley's stance on marijuana

It would be great to have a conversation with Cpl. Scott Hilderley, but what is the point when he uses every opportunity to spread misinformation, make outlandish remarks, or diminish efforts for sensible drug policy. Simply put, Hilderley does not seem interested in honest dialogue.

Hilderley is also mistaken about the MMAR program; physicians don’t prescribe marijuana. Every Canadian citizen qualifies automatically for MMAR if they meet the Health Canada criteria — namely providing evidence of a qualifying condition, including, in some instances, a specialist for their condition. This has nothing to do with the doctor’s views on the matter, patients either qualify or they do not. Moreover,  unless Hilderley has medical credentials, he is simply not qualified to make pronouncements regarding the medicinal use of cannabis.

How is it,  though, that in spite of his concerns about marijuana, Hilderley supports a policy that neither safeguards youth or communities but, interestingly enough, does provide for him a pay cheque? That’s not paranoia or a distortion; it is fact.

Legalizing and regulating cannabis in Canada would remove the profit motive organized crime garners domestically, but to think it would eliminate international markets amid prohibition is wishful thinking. Profits, after all, are the impetus for drug prohibition. Legalizing and regulating cannabis in Canada, however, would free up resources to target those who would supply our neighbours from within Canadian borders.

Hilderley is way off base with regarding Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) and Educators For Sensible Drug Policy (ESDP); they are both appalled by failings of drug prohibition, the harm done to youth and communities, and the defacto legislative enabling of organized crime. LEAP, by the way, is an international organization primarily made up of retired drug warriors, who have been there and know the devastation wrought by drug prohibition first hand. That is why they are speaking out.  Educators For Sensible Drug Policy are professionals who have witnessed first hand how prohibition fails to safeguard youth.

If Hilderley is interested, I would gladly introduce him to individuals within either LEAP or ESDP. Perhaps if he spoke with them firsthand, he’d be less inclined to defend the indefensible.

Wayne Phillips

Hamilton, Ontario

Sooke News Mirror