Letters: Criminals win during prohibition

Letter writer thinks criminals are romanticized by public

I don’t believe for a minute that the legalization of marijuana is an issue at all. What I see is a lack of strong laws and penalties, directed at gangs, organized crime, Mafia and white collar criminals.

It is obvious that the public has romanticized all these groups, and they stand for a sort of rebel spirit in the wider public view, who admire the power of money: unexpressed openly perhaps, but nevertheless evident. All these criminal groups are protected by expensive lawyers, inadequate laws and courts and a shackled police in their powers to obtain evidence.

Marijuana should be legal to grow in your own home, to use yourself and for medical use. But the real issue is organized crime and white collar criminals. Why do we accept such groups as “par for the course?” The RCMP should be able to tap my phone, read my mails, take pictures of my comings and goings till the end of time. Why would that concern me? It’s a though nothing can be done anymore without having your hands tied behind your back.

And as for the “Marijuana Party” – the federal Liberals – they have half wrecked this country with their touchy, feely pussy footing.

Finally we’ve got some real leadership to pull us out of this shipwreck waiting for a rock to hit – and it’s not Bob Rae.

We need to be talking about commerce and the economy, and the elimination of high-end criminals. This country needs leadership now, there are rough waters ahead and to remain afloat we need somebody smart, real, and tough to show us the way through – Bob Rae with his “Marijuana Party” is not that leader.

We can all vote federal NDP later on, when things are smooth, when Canada is rich and on top again. Then we can “afford” to vote NDP, but for now we need Harper and his “Reform Party” – the Conservatives – not the “Marijuana Party.”

Sorry to rock your leaky boat B.C., or should I rather say, were I to be honest to a fault – your leaky condo.

N.E. MacNab


Sooke News Mirror