LETTERS: Criticism off track


Re: BNSF focus sensational, April 22.


Re: BNSF focus sensational, April 22.

I hate to rain on anyone’s parade here, especially fellow rail-relocation hopefuls like letter-writers Patricia Kealy and Susan Potzold. However, their passion for the cause seems a little off track when they accuse Peace Arch News of journalistic sensationalism.

Mind you, the relocation situation can be a little frustrating at times, especially when it’s become so political, and the latest estimate skyrocketing through the roof (Moving tracks could cost billions, April 20).

But despite the problematic price tag, BNSF executive Johan Hellman does his subtle best in revealing what we’ve basically known all along. Hellman said: “You have to recognize that you’re talking about major trade infrastructure – so it’s no more easy to move a railway than it is to move a seaport or an airport or a major highway.”

Now if that isn’t the final spike in the relocation train, then I don’t know what is.

It’s no wonder this hopeful twosome is so ticked-off, but that doesn’t mean they should be accusing the PAN of sensationalism just because they found the story, and its obvious choice for a headline, annoying and unhelpful to the cause.

Unfortunately, what’s curiously missing from their accusations is any trace of blame or anger towards the BNSF Railway and MP Dianne Watts for playing politics with something they obviously take very seriously. The one thing the letter writers should be accusing the PAN of is doing their job.

John Freeman, White Rock



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