LETTERS: Crossing that bridge

The VAA should not be using our Commonwealth lands to compete with our downtown.

Re: Gateway name dropped.

That the Omricon spokesperson should now state that ‘Gateway’ was “always a place holder” is corporate speak to cover their public relations disaster. The re-branding team must have worked overtime to come up with ‘Sidney Crossing’ in order to paint a pedestrian overpass as a panacea for an intersection that has long-begged to be fixed.

In light of the recent disaster in Essendon, Australia on Feb. 21, where run-amok airport authorities developed public lands and built a strip mall at the foot of a runway where a crash of a small aircraft killed five, it raises questions about public safety and the wisdom of placing our emergency response facilities at the foot of our own runway.

The VAA should not be using our Commonwealth lands to compete with our downtown.

The economic model of the strip mall is a dead one, with hundreds of hollowed-out communities and vacant anchor stores, as evidence across the country.

James K. Finley, Sidney

Peninsula News Review