Letters: Cyclists in danger

Sooke Road bus driver feels cyclists are in danger at rush hour

I live in Colwood, but I drive the # 61 Sooke  bus daily Monday to Friday.

My concern is the 3700 block of Sooke Road to approx. the 17 Mile House, into Sooke and out of Sooke.

I cannot tell you the terror of coming around a corner, driving a double decker full of passengers and have one of these fools in your lane doing 20 km/h, or having an on-coming vehicle crossing the double solid line trying to avoid another another one of these fools in their lane.

I’m sure it will not be a cyclist that will be killed or injured but some poor motorist trying to avoid them.

I cannot believe that people are cycling along Sooke Road at rush hour. It would appear that their spandex has cut the flow of blood to the brain.

Joe Hronek


Sooke News Mirror