Letters: Dangers of democracy

One resident encourages Canadians to get out and vote

Re: “Being choosy an iffy strategy” (Our View, Oct. 7)

I am writing in response to the non-appearance of PC candidates, and the danger to democracy it represents. It has long been my understanding that politicians were elected to serve the people they represented. That if a majority (50 per cent plus) of the elected parliamentarians supported their voters opinions on an issue (example: right to a healthy environment) than that issue would be put in a bill and passed. With todays ‘whip’ policy our parties have to ignore what their constituents want and vote for what the party leader says. This policy applies to NDP, Liberal and PC. The only party who allows its elected members to vote their conscience is the Green Party. This destruction of the fundamental of democracy, that those elected represent their constituents, is the reason that it is imperative that every person get out and vote. Together, we can elect a government that represents the values of our community and works to ensure Canada is healthy, safe and democratic.

Gerald Christie


Goldstream News Gazette