Letters: Deal with the parking

Special favours granted to some Sooke businesses not others

Although I respect the diligent efforts of previous councils efforts to make decisions that were in their opinion in the best interest for Sooke, here’s an issue they repeatedly seem to neglect – parking.

Why were the strict guidelines imposed on established businesses not enforced when the new boys came to town. It seems all we want to do is wheel and deal to get them to come to Sooke regardless of the considerations we have to give up. There is a lack of parking space for the majority of new developments in Sooke which is obvious by all the residential parking on our streets, turning some of them into one lane access. Is this inconvenience really worth it for a couple of more dwelling units?

I don’t mind “living with decisions” but when they combine with special favours and repetitive errors of judgement, it’s kind of hard to take. It’s not a sign of weakness to admit to a mistake, it’s usually the first step to fixing it. You can bet when one of Mrs. Lewer’s yummy recipe’s don’t work out, she’s the first to admit it.

Rod Nyberg


Sooke News Mirror