Letters: Deal with trash and pets responsibly

Having some common sense and deal with your animals and garbage responsibly like citizens, writer says.

A plea to all these ignorant people who use Lindell Road and my property as a private dumping ground for the house garbage and unwanted pets: At present I have three unwanted homeless cats living in my carport.

I have telephoned the municipal animal control; they told me they only deal with dogs. I have contacted the local SPCA and left messages on their voice mail, to which they have not responded.

I have since been made to understand they accept cats only if brought to their compound.

I am not a pet owner, and not particularly fond of cats. Yet the constant meowing has forced me to give food to these animals.

As to the garbage, the roadside and my yard receives bags of garbage and even mattresses and couches from people too cheap or lazy to use the nearby Bailey landfill (which charges a very small fee, usually under $10). Large garbage items that are removed by the municipality from private property come with a $70 charge.

I am retired and have limited resources. So please, start having some common sense and deal with your animals and garbage responsibly like citizens, not like thieves in the night.


Bob Wilkinson

Chilliwack Progress