Letters: Deer better start running now

Readers take issue to planned relocation program on compassionate and financial grounds

A warning to deer living in Penticton: start running now

Why do deer stop and stare in a frozen state when they hear noise?

On a U.S. documentary, it stated deer have poor vision but very acute hearing and smell to sense danger, and since they do not see very well, they stand statue-like to listen and smell what is before them.

Unfortunately, they will not be able to hear or smell the impending human danger of alleged relocation from the city of Penticton because they will be trapped, tagged and relocated to be hunted for food under the guise of relocation before they have a chance to run.

This documentary,showed people and deer cohabiting peacefully in a city residential area. Citizens acknowledged that humans have infringed on the space of deer, and embrace their presence as one would any element of nature.

They know that any mother animal will be aggressive with babies, and behave accordingly. All this in a country where many households have guns to protect themselves from intruders! Clearly, they do not see the deer as intruders.

It is undemocratic and unthinkable to announce the relocation for hunting purposes under the pretense of solving two problems: one, that it will get the deer out of Penticton, and two, it will provide hunting for those on the PIB.

I suspect it was announced after the vote with no public consultation, because  it was known that this might result in controversy. We the people are taking over nature’s land.

Why do we not co-exist peacefully?  Leave the deer alone to live out their lives in peace, without the terror of trapping nets and the ring of hunters’ guns chasing them to an inevitable death on someone’s dinner plate.

Shame on  humans!  Run deer, run, literally for your life.

Heather Caron



Challenge needs more transparency

On the Challenge Penticton website, Paulette Rennie, society board chair said, “Our community is excited to host the world.”

People are asked to sit on boards for various reasons: name recognition; accomplishments; expertise etc. Paulette Rennie the president of Valley First, seems to be an ideal candidate.

Her financial qualifications are undoubtedly unimpeachable. Valley First is one of the leading contributors to our community, from the Feed the Valley initiative to scholarships and bursaries and involvement with our famous Vees.

Sec. 16.1 of the Penticton Challenge contract speaks of confidentiality and the licensee’s obligation of comply with freedom of information or other disclosure obligations.

Why has the society not disclosed the financial books to the Fiscal Review Board?

Though the city has membership on the Challenge Board is it not the responsibility of Ms. Rennie and the society to decide whether Challenge books should be reviewed?

Who refused permission to examine the books?

The race society’s fiscal year end was Oct. 31.

Have the financials been audited as mandated under the B.C. Societies Act?

According to the Challenge contract, a list of participants shall be published on the homepage within a reasonably short time of receipt of the application.

Where is that list?

Also, the contract states licensees shall make effort to invite renowned athletes to take part in the competition and be used to advertise the race.

Who has been invited, what advertising has been done and why is this not on the website?

The society has a five-year contract to pay the licensor an annual basic fee for marketing and organizing the event.

Has this been paid? Are we obligated to pay this fee each year even if an event is cancelled?

Mayor Litke confirmed Challenge is facing a serious financial shortfall and the city of Penticton had co-signed a line of credit for up to $200,000 to cover the losses.

The Challenge contract states the licensor can cancel this contract if the society is insolvent or fails to carry out any of its obligations?

Is the society insolvent or has it failed to carry out its obligations?

What advertising has been committed to promote the 2014 race? Please be specific.

What corporate donors have committed to sponsorship of Challenge to help pay for this advertising?

How much and who are they?

Elvena Slump



Oil will leave scars

My surname is Oil-Slick, first name Future.

I have no choice to pick my ride with a slinky pipeline by my side.

I travel not by air, rail, or tanker truck as these three can run amuck.

An oily mess runs through my veins of steel destroying pristine country which can’t appeal ?

Beauty untouched by man is left with a scar and covered in tar.

If only I could purge my filthy cargo before reaching the unsuspecting sea if only. I really don’t know just how I was made but I travel mile after mile just to get laid.

How would the greedy like to be buried underground like me as I twist and shout in pain toward the sea where tanker’s wait for me?

I don’t stop the flow to take a leak along the way but just pray, and all I’ve soiled will live another day. My spout will dispense this oily mess at land’s end to meet the sea and there lie’s danger for all sea life and you and me. God help all if I go astray as I have no power to make it right but man will suffer from Mother Nature’s might.

With a whole lot of fracking going on to capture Christy’s 150-year supply of  LNG then who needs me?

Dismantle this idea derived  from a nightmare dream and save a little peaches and cream for if any future inhabitants of  earth.

Tom Isherwood



ALR needs support

What is happening right now in Summerland represents a glimpse into the future of a province that might fold the previously sacrosanct Agricultural Land Commission.

With the support of local Council, about 80 hectares of some of the best farming land in Summerland is proposed to be swapped out of the Agricultural Land Reserve in exchange for about 90 hectares of marginal, hilly land.

I am part of the group that is working to stop the swap.

Alexander Thistlewood

Summerland, Stop the Swap


Deer relocation waste of money

Hats off to Couns Robinson and Vasilaki for wanting no part of the money throw away known as the deer relocation program. Let me see if I can hip wade through the logic.

We are going to pay a contractor several $100 per deer, to live capture and relocate these deer to PIB land.

Is the contractor obliged to drive the deer around in circles, disorienting them so they can’t find their way back? Perhaps give them each a stern warning, not to return? What a pile of garbage program this is.

Mayor Litke and the other council that voted in favour of this, if it was your own money, betcha wouldn’t spend it like this. Next time you have money to throw away, feel free to drive to my front yard and leave it there.

Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.

Kelly David



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