LETTERS: Defending the land line

LETTERS: Defending the land line



Re: Hanging up on the landline, at long last, March 29.

Please keep your hands off my landline. I shudder to think that I could become one of “them” – you, know, the smartphone “addicts.”

I see them everywhere: crossing the street – head down; sitting by the playground – head down – their children self-involved; in the restaurant – head down, texting; walking the dog – head down.

Hey, there is nature to be enjoyed and a “hello” would be nice.

I actually enjoy the ringing coming from my landline – my friends call often.

Even my dog perks up her ears when the old landline rings.

An old friend just lost all her hearing – I am sure she would love to hear a landline ringing and that a voice would be on the other end.

I know that smartphones fall under the category of “progress” and they are so “smart” in so many ways, but, like I said, I really like my landline.

Heidi Bumann, South Surrey

Peace Arch News