LETTERS: Different perspectives

LETTERS: Different perspectives

Editor: Re: Tools are taking over; life in the slow lane, Jan. 3 letters.


Re: The tools are taking over; Life in the slow lane, Jan. 3 letters.

Letter-writer Colin Fletcher says robots are taking over the jobs of people. Yes, he could be right, but who repairs the robots, programs them or develops new programs?

I believe that if you look back into the history of automation there is positive job increase.

If we take his point of view, we would still be using children to work in the cotton mills or putting little kids up chimneys.

As for letter-writer Jerry Steinburg, where is the link between texting when driving and smoking dope? There isn’t one.

You can drive any highway in B.C. and see business people, truck drivers, housewives texting – which doesn’t make it right. Are they all stoned? No! His description sounds like a scene from ’30s film Reefer Madness.

By the way, I am not a supporter of the federal legislation on cannabis.

Mike Wilson, Surrey

Peace Arch News