Letters: Disappointed at dog comments

I was disappointed to read your response to the horrible crime against two dogs that took place.


To Chief Joe Alphonse:

I was disappointed to read your response to the horrible crime against two dogs that took place.

On or off the reserve this is a crime and the SPCA should be allowed to investigate this as such.

Your comment that “if someone is doing this to dogs” is ridiculous.

The animal was found with its feet bound having been dragged to death.

What kind of person does that?

Do you really want to try to excuse it with an inane comment like perhaps they were dragging a dead dog to the dump?

Dead or alive an animal does not deserve that kind of disrespect.

If you are not going to let the SPCA or RCMP have full access then everyone expects you to pursue this crime and have the persons responsible arrested.

That is the normal procedure, don’t you agree?

Nola Jarvis

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune