LETTERS: Dissimilar cityscapes


Re: Cities become partners, May 8.



Re: Cities become partners, May 8.

Just when it seemed White Rock’s ongoing theatre of the absurd – also known as its city council – couldn’t get any more ridiculous, it announces a “friendly exchange relationship” with Dongying, China.

What exactly does White Rock, a quiet city of 20,000, have to offer a sprawling industrial metropolis of more than two million? Not much.

Perhaps Mayor Wayne Baldwin and his developer cronies spot an opportunity to peddle more megatower condo projects to offshore investors. If that’s the case, the mayor and council are in for a less-than-friendly exchange with the people who actually live here.

Anthony Manning, White Rock

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White Rock, British Columbia, Canada: A small seaside city with a population of about 20,000. Known for its pretty beaches, great views and large population of retirees.

Dongying, Shandong Province, China: A large city with a population of more than two million. Home to China’s second largest oilfield and more tire factories than any other city in the world.

So what do these two cities have in common? Absolutely nothing, and yet, White Rock city council has agreed to enter into a “friendly exchange relationship” with the City of Dongying, which is seeking to promote, amongst other things, economic development, science and technology. My question is, why, and, what is really going on here?

Having been a resident of Richmond for 18 years before moving to White Rock, I could hazard a guess, but all I’ll say is this:

Citizens of White Rock, be prepared for your wonderful little city to change dramatically in the upcoming years. And to all you retirees out there hoping for a quiet and peaceful retirement, sorry, you’re out of luck.

L. James, White Rock



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