
LETTERS: Distancing is difficult on the White Rock Promenade

Making masks mandatory would be a step toward safety


Re: Be courteous on promenade, April 15 letters

I agree with Joy Kroeker’s comments. I walk the promenade and pier at 7 a.m. every day.I am continually going to the side of the promenade to maintain a six-foot distance from other people. I measured the width of the promenade today and it is 94 inches wide. To maintain a six foot distance, people need to walk single file on either side and walk on the outside of the promenade, not on the white line. The joggers breath more heavily and when they pass, they give no warning of where they are. Please, everyone, consider those around you on the promenade.

As far as council’s concerns regarding safety on the beach, masks should be mandatory on the promenade and pier between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. It is next to impossible with the crowds to maintain a safe distance.

J. Lowe, White Rock

Peace Arch News