Tucker was killed by a vicious dog in July.

Tucker was killed by a vicious dog in July.

Letters: Dog owners 2nd-class citizens?

Do residents of this city who choose to enjoy the companionship of dogs not have any rights?

Editor, The News:

Re: Pitt Meadows toughens rules for dangerous dogs (The News, Oct. 3).

Another knee-jerk reaction from City council.

Do residents of this city who choose to enjoy the companionship of dogs not have any rights?

Are we not taxpaying citizens, too?

Why are responsible dog owners continuously being punished for the actions of a few?

It is time to say, ‘Stop the insanity.’

The ridiculous new dog bylaw that prohibits retractable leashes for everyone, really?

Dog owners have to  be able to control their animals, period.  Go after the perpetrators, the vicious dogs and irresponsible owners who have been identified numerous times yet not been held responsible.

The vicious dog that had killed Greg Wyatt’s precious Yorkshire Terrier Tucker had been the subject of several strata complaints.

Why had these not been addressed?

These punitive bylaws take away the little bit of freedom we can give our pets and result in neurotic canines.

Shame on us dog owners for sitting back and letting it happen.

Cheryl Popeniuk

Pitt Meadows


Maple Ridge News