LETTERS: Don’t limit distractions

LETTERS: Don’t limit distractions

Editor: Regarding new distracted-driving fines, I fully support this action taken by Victoria.


Regarding new distracted-driving fines (B.C. to hike distracted driving penalties by $740, Nov. 6 www.peacearchnews.com), I fully support this action taken by Victoria.

However, why just cellphone users? Drivers who frequent drive-thru restaurants and hit the road eating and drinking, with loud radios and talking and looking at their passengers are also a dangerous distraction.

If distracted drivers are to be fined, fine, then do all; don’t be selective.

It appears cellphone distracted drivers is the hot target – and results in incomplete action by authorities. Cover the whole field or get out of the park.

Fred Somers, Surrey

Peace Arch News