LETTERS: Don’t just give, teach refugees


Re: Group’s charity likely to cost us, March 2 letters.


Re: Group’s charity likely to cost us, March 2 letters.

David Danylyshyn’s letter regarding the ‘poor’ immigrant family of eight that now becomes our unwanted problem is bang on the money.

What responsibility do the immigrants have to look after themselves? Evidently none.

When I first came here I was prepared to do anything legal that it took to work to feed, clothe and house my family. It was my responsibility to do so. After all, I brought them here.

Never once did it enter my mind to lay that responsibility onto anyone else, e.g. welfare, waiting for the ‘right’ job to come along.

The church sponsored them, so get on with it and never complain.

Bring in immigrants who have a work ethic, are gender equal and who are thankful – and not resentful – that they have been given a lifeline.

Teach them how to fish, don’t give them the fish.

Ivan Michael Scott, Surrey



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