What began on public green space as a tribute to Adrian Bilodeau’s late father has become a community garden.

What began on public green space as a tribute to Adrian Bilodeau’s late father has become a community garden.

LETTERS: Don’t let ignorance deter tribute


I wish to express my dismay and horror at the recent destruction of the kneeling Inukshuk.


I wish to express my dismay and horror at the recent destruction of the kneeling Inukshuk that used to grace the memorial garden along 156 Street, between 24 Avenue and King George Boulevard.

This figure regularly clasped seasonal flowers – either fresh or, during winter months artificial – in its arms. Over the Christmas period, it held a small Christmas tree.

To the ignorant and thoughtless individual(s) who perpetrated this wanton act of destruction, I ask you to consider just how ashamed your families would be if they knew of your actions.

To the gentleman who has lovingly created and maintained this garden and its stone figure, I assure you that your efforts have brought pleasure to hundreds of your neighbours in the area.

Please don’t let the thoughtless actions of a pathetic few deter you from continuing your garden memorial to your father.

Joan Cosford, Surrey



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