LETTERS: Douse the new old habits


In Singapore, a person spitting in public gets settled with a hefty fine and 10 lashes of the cane.


What is it with the spitting?

In Singapore, a person spitting in public gets settled with a hefty fine and 10 lashes of the cane.

I’ll draw the line on caning, but if we could instigate a fine for spitting, we could probably pay off the national debt in a very short time.

I’ve watched generations of teenagers attending Earl Marriott Secondary defiling the beautiful Alderwood Park with their laissez-faire about depositing leftovers from lunch in the trash bins.

The latest crop, though, has a new habit – they spit. Continuously! You can follow a trail of saliva all the way to the corner store on King George.

In front of the bench at the beautiful lake, they deposit an actual puddle of the stuff on the walkway. What on earth are they thinking? Do they do that at home? Have they watched too many westerns where spitting into a spittoon was an art?

I would very much appreciate if parents and teachers would have a talk with their offspring.

All of us here who enjoy walking around the ponds in this oasis would appreciate if this disgusting habit would cease to exist.

The only other choice to avoid this spectacle is to move to Singapore, and I really don’t want to do that.

Edie Williams, Surrey

Peace Arch News