Letters: Down on laundromat and car wash

Resident does not think high end laundromat is appropriate

We are concerned about the front page article that appeared in the Sooke News Mirror on May 16, 2012. From start to finish, the article reads like a paid advertisement. Except for the last seven words of a full front page story, your article reads like this project is a done deal.  The photo is misleading as it does not include the added municipal signs announcing an approval process.

At this point the project is far from certain and involves a ‘text amendment’ to the current zoning.  Our community plan pushes for a walkable vibrant downtown core oriented to the waterfront. Based on that plan, automotive services are not permitted in this area of downtown Sooke.  A change in zoning usage will require that an approval process take place. Good journalistic practice would be to inform Sooke citizens of this proposed project, and announce the beginning of the approval process, and not to make biased statements about the merits of the project.

We would like to see a more balanced article that encourages Sooke citizens to consider the issues.  While a laundromat may be a welcome addition in the downtown core, we question whether Sooke needs the biggest laundromat on Vancouver Island. If the need is urgent, there are two empty store fronts beside Village Foods that could be immediately put to this use. We need to ask, “Does a million dollar car wash belong in downtown Sooke?”

Our current community plan says “no.”  We encourage our community to get involved in this discussion. Have a look at Sooke’s official community plan  www.sooke.ca/EN/main/documents/district_plans.html  and decide for yourself what is best for our community.

Rob Martin and Helen Ritts


Sooke News Mirror