Letters: Dowtown parking rules discourage shoppers

Editor: My mother and I decided to go into downtown Langley City to purchase some chalk paint from Passionate Home.

After the excellent and informative customer service we experienced there, we went to McBurney’s for a light lunch.

Coming out, we noticed Auld Phillips was having a sale on fall wear, so we purchased a few things, then came out to find we had a parking ticket on our car. We’d gone over the two-hour time allotment.

The fine amount was $50, or $25 if you pay right away.

Nobody likes to pay parking tickets, I agree. But I’m not ranting just because of the fee.

I’m ranting because I do not believe one should be penalized for simply utilizing the services of the downtown area.

I don’t believe Passionate Home or McBurney’s or Auld Phillips would mind simply validating a parking pass or ticket.

I think the parking time limit is for people abusing the system, or working downtown and not allowing parking spots for patrons.

After showing my receipts to the chief bylaw enforcement officer and explaining my point of view, he stated that the parking enforcement is what the downtown businesses have requested — strict enforcement. I would have to pay the ticket.

If that is really the case, I will no longer be taking my business downtown. I don’t think rushing through a quick painting demo and gobbling down lunch so you can get out of there in time before getting a parking ticket is really my idea of a relaxing day out with my mother. We’ll be taking our business elsewhere.

Laurie Thomas,

Walnut Grove

Langley Times