LETTERS: Dragon should stick to his den, not politics

O’Leary, like too many politicos and public figures is a champion and preserver of the one per-cent.

When James Baird, former Conservative Foreign Affairs minister resigned last year to seek greener pastures with Barrick Gold and pursue other cushy endeavours, I was elated that our country would be rid of the belicose sputterings of such a blustering buffoon. But alas, this has been a much too brief reprieve.

News articles appearing in sundry media across the nation report that Kevin “Legend in his own Mind” O’Leary is making noises that he may enter the political arena, and just might seek the leadership of the Conservative Party.

This man’s economic philosophy is straight from the Austrian school of economic theory that has gifted our world with such notable economists as Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler’s finance minister. The underpinnings of his world outlook and approach to political economy revolves around the Darwinian concept of survival of the fittest.  His philosophy, unlike that of true leaders like Lincoln, FDR, or Prime Minister Mackenzie King does not at all appreciate the need to maintain and increase the productive capacity of labour.

A political doctrine that promotes the increase of corporate and government wealth and power at the expense of  working men and women. Mr. O’Leary claims that he is concerned about the lack of opportunity our economy affords aspiring engineering students and such, yet his steadfast belief in an austerity-driven economy is antithetical to creating an expanding manufacturing base.

O’Leary, like too many politicos and public figures is a champion and preserver of the one per-cent, not everyday working-class Canadians. He should stick to reading more Ayn Rand novels and in these times of economic collapse he would be wise to just keep his opinions to himself.

Brian Gray




Penticton Western News