
LETTERS: Drivers of largest vehicles may well be loudest complainers

'Monster' vehicles don't appear suited to family or work


I often observe parked vehicles idling for many minutes, even in warm weather.

Sometimes I’ll also see the exhaust spewed by a vanity vehicle, a metallic beast with the signature superfluously large body and wheels that don’t appear useful for work or family transport.

They’re the same gratuitously tall monsters that when parked roadside block the view of short-car operators turning or crossing through stop-signed intersections; and they look as though they might get 25 gallons to the mile.

I couldn’t help wondering whether they’re some of the people posting complaints about a gas price increase and/or the carbon tax, however comparatively small (and now more than recouped via rebate) onto various social media platforms.

Frank Sterle Jr., White Rock

Peace Arch News