LETTERS: Duffy charges

The exuberance about Mike Duffy’s exoneration did not have the same ring with me as with the media.

The exuberance about Mike Duffy’s exoneration did not have the same ring with me as with the media.

I have a problem with understanding how a prominent Canadian like Mike Duffy can be charged with 31 offenses and not one of them would stick.

So, my first thought was to check Mike’s affiliations and sure enough, it led to the Freemasons. Strangely enough, Pamela Wallin’s trail leads to the Freemasons as well and I wouldn’t be surprised, if she gets off the same way.

Interestingly, probing to the affiliation of Judge Charles Vaillancourt led to a dead end. I checked on Justin Trudeau, but could not find a connection. However, Pierre Trudeau is followed by a trail of very evil associations and practices that makes one rather feel sorry for Justin.

As far as our previous Prime Ministers are concerned, we can now discover (thanks to the Internet) how sinister and evil-minded most of them were.

As for the Duffy case, why do we let one judge decide the case and not a jury? If Mike has been innocent all along, who trumped up all these charges against him and on what grounds? Who benefited from all this nonsense and who is stuck with the bills, if it’s not us, the taxpayers?

Rolf Loth




Penticton Western News