A motorcycle cruises up White Rock’s Marine Drive. The return of warm weather signals the beginning of the annual parade of loud vehicles, writes AP Hovasse. (Aaron Hinks photo)

LETTERS: Ear-splitting exhaust systems a less-welcome sign of spring



Now that spring and the warmer season is upon us, we mark the return not only of sweet song birds but also of those inconsiderate drivers who feel that deafeningly loud vehicles are their best means of offending as many people as possible without care of retribution.

I’m talking about the many motorcycles and hot-rodders who mask their physical (and emotional) shortcomings with shrieking exhausts that reach far through closed windows and suites to startle residents therein. They hibernate in the winter and reemerge with the song birds who they would do well to copy instead of the ear-splitting dissonance they create.

What’s equally risible are the feeble annual claims of the police and other local authorities who find that tepid silence is their best strategy.

And just like the replacement for the Massey Tunnel at election time, all their promises disappear once they collect their salaries, pensions and earplugs and the rest of us complain, alas, not in silence.

AP Hovasse, White Rock

Peace Arch News