LETTERS: Economies of scale quite apt


Re: Tourism Surrey to guide White Rock, March 30.


Re: Tourism Surrey to guide White Rock, March 30.

I am sorry that the city has given away the promotion of our ‘City by the Sea’.

I find it interesting that the budget quoted by Coun. Bill Lawrence in the paper – not the whole story, if you check the city’s budget – is approximately what was offered to the previous organization for the running of the uptown office as well as the kiosk; so a very generous budget for the current arrangement, considering it is only the kiosk and that the people now running it are already paid employees.

I find the reasons given by Lawrence, chair of the Tourism White Rock board, for the transition – “strategic alliances” and “economy of scale” – could potentially be applied to the City of White Rock joining the City of Surrey. There could certainly be great economies of scale in such an arrangement.

Esther Loewen, White Rock



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