Letters: Effluent cause for concern

Dumping effluent into harbour from development is wrong

It was with some surprise that I read the legal notice in your May 28/14 edition about a Disposition of Crown Land for the development at Silver Spray or Sooke Point or whatever the latest development is called, now that they’re past the tent house stage.

Surely that notice was inserted in your paper in jest.

After reading about the glories of that development in ads everywhere one looks, I can’t imagine that the developer now wants to dump his sewage right in front of his “Luxury Yacht Suites.” Just think, sitting on the deck or bridge of your yacht suite, trying to identify an orca amid the grunge that collects in all those scenic “sunset coves;” the only good thing would be the presence of a strong drink in your hand killing the aromas arising from the magnificent biodiversity the developer raves about.

Sooke has not much of an industrial base and what holds up a large section of Sooke’s economy is tourism oriented. So now we shall have a sewage outfall right in the midst of a prime fishing area, at the entrance to Sooke Harbour which would love to share in that “biodiversity” when the tides wash it into the various marinas and shore lines. Not even imagining how thrilled world-renowned Sooke Harbour House is going to be, having a sewer outfall just a few hundred feet from its shore. As a novice weekend fisherman I always was taught to follow the tide lines, to be honest, that’s not always that easy. Now it will be so much easier to follow the scum line. Who says sewage hasn’t got it’s advantages.

All kidding aside, this is a dreadful proposition and while one can’t argue with the location of the treatment plant which sits on the developer’s private property, to bless Sooke with the effluent of his development is quite simply outrageous. Makes one wonder, where is the effluent going at present?  The storm caused by this proposal will be enough to keep the developer from changing the name of the: “Why go to Tofino Bar.”

The storm in Sooke will be plenty.

Ray Bindig

East Sooke

Sooke News Mirror