Letters: Enbridge highlights pristine B.C.

I never thought I would see the day when I would thank an oil company yet alone Enbridge Northern Gateway.

I never thought I would see the day when I would thank an oil company yet alone Enbridge Northern Gateway.

The Enbridge Northern Gateway TV ad appearing quite often shows the natural pristine wilderness and dazzling sea waters along the B.C. coast, thankfully before their pipe dream transporting any oil product is a done deal.

Enbridge has unwittingly shown a part of our magnificent B.C. and has convinced me that some things are better left alone. Perhaps now with you sharing such beautiful pictures of our untamed magnificence we will never have to see your unguaranteed flip side.

Hopefully your commercial has turned the light on by showing what is here today —  not  the devastation that  will be here tomorrow?

Tom Isherwood


Penticton Western News