Letters: Everyone has their opinions

Democracy is about differing opinions says letter writer

As a former political journalist, I remember searching for motives and agenda in any politician’s words or actions and enjoyed the speculation.

When doing so, it helps to consider what the people want and if their interests are being represented.

Citizens in Sooke have rarely come together and agreed on any issue. Look at past referenda and how the votes have lined up with close numbers on two very clear sides of an issue.

Go to the A&W on a Saturday morning and ask the guys drinking coffee what they think on a question. Then go to a meeting of Sooke Fine Arts and ask the same question. Would you expect to get the same answer?

This diversity makes our community a great place to live. When council votes are not all aligned this is democracy at its finest.

Everyone in our community has tastes, preferences and opinions. Some like the colour lavender on planters and others are offended by it. All enjoy the right to express their opinion. Each member on council hears those opinions and does their best to represent them.

The fact that a range of interests are represented gives me faith in our system. Better that than the alternative. Anyone proposing that council votes line up under a strict manifesto should be suspect.

Doni Eve


Sooke News Mirror