LETTERS: Existing plaza underused


Re: Civic leaders resurrect plans for Spirit Square, June 19.


Re: Civic leaders resurrect plans for Spirit Square, June 19.

Besides the many good reasons why the Spirit Square plan was originally rejected in 2008, there’s a new one to add to the list.

There already is a concreted community meeting place recently built on West Beach just west of the boat launch called the Bayview Park Outdoor Plaza. People can rent this plaza for wedding ceremonies, and yet a check of availability on the city website shows it is booked for a total of three days over the next four months.

Why do we need another public square when the existing plaza paid for with taxpayer money sits virtually empty?

It’s bad enough the current mayor and council clearcut half the ‘hump’ forest, and now they want to pave the green space lawn of Memorial Park?

I visited this area on Father’s Day and it was full of families and their children. The Bayview Plaza sat empty where the public barbeques used to be.

Don Pitcairn, Surrey



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