LETTERS: Expropriation totally unfair


I can’t believe that the City of Surrey is actually trying to kick the owner off of his property.


I can’t believe that the City of Surrey is actually trying to kick the owner off of his property and have the audacity to offer the said owner a mere pittance for it (Civic expropriation to close Riverside, Sept. 25).

This is totally unfair and I hope that thousands of people will support the owner and rally for him to be able to keep his land or to come up with some way to leave at least part of it.

I can understand that King George Boulevard needs to be widened at that point, however, it could be done so that both parties would be satisfied.

If this expropriation is being done just to allow for more housing along King George, forget about it.

I am sure I speak for a lot of people who are so sick of excavation equipment, hammers pounding, noise, messy roads, etc. Is it ever enough?

D. Barros, White Rock



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