Just as they could last winter, drivers may park at White Rock waterfront at no charge, now through the end of January. However, Fred Tisdale is asking the City of White Rock to consider extending that deadline as a way to help struggling businesses. (Tracy Holmes photo)

LETTERS: Extension of free waterfront parking would benefit businesses



Why does the City of White Rock cut off the free parking on Jan. 31?

We frequent local businesses on the beach, as well as in White Rock and South Surrey. This time of year is traditionally hard on retail, restaurants, etc., so why not help them out and extend the free parking?

On our walk the other day, we noticed once again, how many business are closed in West Beach, including some that had recently opened. It is sad to see so many vacant storefronts.

The remainder are slowing down in sales this time of the year. In talking to several owners (East and West beach), they would love to see the free parking extended.

A sunny day still brings many people to the area, even in the winter months, as we have noticed. Free parking is one of the main draws. They enjoy not having to feed the meter while they enjoy a nice walk, a meal or sit on a sunny patio taking in the views, and the glorious sunsets.

I cannot see that extending the parking would have any great financial burden on the city, and yes I have read how the fees are doled out as noted on the pay machines.

Open it up for a couple more months, for the survival of the businesses still there, and the enjoyment of locals and day-trippers as well.

Fred Tisdale, South Surrey

Peace Arch News