LETTERS: Extra hotel charges

I would suggest that before checking in and out of any hotel that you have a staff member do a walk through inspection with you.

While touring the Craters of the Moon in Idaho, and the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah in September we stayed in Salt Lake City.

The room was nice, the staff were helpful, and it was a pleasant stay.  When we returned home and received our credit card statement in early October, we discovered an extra $50 charge.

I called the hotel to ask what the charge was for. I was informed that we had taken a hair dryer. Two days and three phone calls to finally talk to the manager where she told me that we took the hair dryer. We did not take a hair dryer.

We contacted the head office of the company to file a complaint and to cancel our rewards plan. We informed our credit card company, registered a complaint with the Salt Lake City Better Business Bureau and even called the Salt Lake City police department.

We posted this on Facebook, sent a copy to our local newspapers and TV stations. We wrote the Canadian Legion and posted a review on TripAdvisor.

I know that it’s a small matter of he said she said. You may think it’s only $50. But it’s the principal of being called a thief. We were charged and convicted with no way of defending ourselves. Also how many others are they charging small amounts too?

I would suggest that before checking in and out of any hotel that you have a staff member do a walk through inspection with you, because once you leave you do not have a leg to stand on.

Joann  Meeks




Penticton Western News