Letters: Feature letter

Rural resident is fed up with people dumping garbage

Local resident is disgusted by people dumping garbage, like these deer skins/bones in rural areas.

Local resident is disgusted by people dumping garbage, like these deer skins/bones in rural areas.

On Monday, October 21, 2013, I was walking my dog at approximately 4:30 p.m. on Tregear Road, when I came across a dump site again of three deer skins.

Whoever did this must not have any care in the world as to what this could bring into our neighbourhood.

We have bears up here, also cougars.  We are sick and tired of these filthy pigs who don’t give a damn about anybody’s yard or property as they just keep on dumping up here as they are too lazy to go to the dump.

We do have a dump in Sooke on Marilyn Road which is off of Sooke River Road if you don’t know where it is. You spend more money on gas driving out here to do your dumping then it would cost to go to the dump and dispose of these skins the proper way.  It is unsanitary, unhealthy and very gross and disgusting looking  for the people who live up here.

What would you do if your dog dragged this skin home and started rolling on it? Pretty disgusting.

There are bones all over the place and they are not old ones. They still have the blood on them and some meat.

They were dumped up here very recently because I go up here every day to go for a walk and see what other crap is being dumped here. We are not the dump as said before.

We would appreciate it if the public would take into consideration that this is someone’s  property, that someday they would enjoy living here. How would you like it if the public used your yard for the dump from now on?  Not very pleasant looking or smelling. So, next time you think of coming here to dump, think of what your yard would look like if everyone in Sooke used it as a dump.

C.J. Malooney


Sooke News Mirror