LETTERS: First impressions

What impression does Penticton give to visitors and business wanting to come to this town?

What impression does Penticton give to visitors and business wanting to come to this town?

Yes, town. Small-minded thinking by the council and negative thinking by the townsfolk, do not help sell this city.

Events Centre to be city hall, What maroon came up with that asinine thought?

Every time one opens a newspaper the slagging off goes on both ways.

Council was voted in because the voters wanted intelligent, forward-thinking persons, not fat cats squabbling with the very people who voted them in. Remember council your mark on Penticton is for everyone. The faux pas you make will come to bite you on the derriere.

Can someone please appoint a referee to listen to the citizens and council of this once good city?

If council can not work with the public, I would ask all council to quit now. Remember the French Revolution was started over loaves of bread.

Let 2016 be a great year for Penticton. We have people from all over the world wanting to come to Canada, because Canada gives the best. We all should rally Feb. 14 downtown and call it Penticton Day of Love.

Like Dr Crain said, Penticton are you listening?

Rob Robert




Penticton Western News