White Rock needs a bylaw limiting the flying of flags to those of the city, B.C. or Canada, writes Roger Currie.

White Rock needs a bylaw limiting the flying of flags to those of the city, B.C. or Canada, writes Roger Currie.

LETTERS: Flag exceptions unacceptable


I think it is wonderful that our community can celebrate different festivals from the various culture groups that surround us.


I think it is wonderful that our community can celebrate different festivals from the various culture groups that surround us.

The festivals allow us to learn more about each other and to help us, I hope, to come closer together, regardless of our religious or cultural beliefs.

I do ask though, that, regardless of the festival being celebrated,  the flag of the nationality celebrating does not fly anywhere in the city, except at city hall or in a flag-flying location designated by the city.

I did not like the seeing the national flag of another country flying from the pier last year supported by a large balloon.

The only flags that should be flying at anytime should be the flag of the City of White Rock, of the Province of B.C. and, above all, the flag of Canada. No exceptions.

A bylaw should be instituted by the City of White Rock to control this.

Roger Currie, Surrey



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