Letters: Flawed logic on immunizations

Your personal freedom is not more important than the lives of other people that your choice could affect.

Re: “Make freedom of choice mandatory” (Chilliwack Progress letters, March 26).

Your logic is flawed.

Choosing to vaccinate yourself or your child doesn’t solely affect you. Some people cannot be vaccinated (immunocompromised, allergic, etc.) and they depend on the rest of the population being vaccinated to protect them.

By your logic, drunk driving is completely OK because you’re fine with risking “your” life. Personally, I’m more concerned with the innocent people a drunk driver puts at risk.

I mostly agree with the rest of your letter, but you greatly diverged from the actual topic at hand.

Your personal freedom is not more important than the lives of other people that your choice could affect.

Alex Giles

Chilliwack Progress