Letters: Fletcher exaggerates “horrors”

Tom Fletcher's column, Environmentalism for dummies, draws ire

Mr. T. Fletcher with his piece” Environmentalism for dummies,” (April 18, Sooke News Mirror) would poke his pen at Patrick Moore once heading up Greenpeace and at David Suzuki.

Moore and his organization at that time having brought world attention and stoppage to Great Britain and Franc dumping nuclear waste into the north Atlantic. Suzuki having brought the workings of nature into homes of millions of adults and children the world over.

Mr. Fletcher speaks of Suzuki and his left wing rants, ie: salmon farming and Alberta tar sands as exaggerated horrors. Mr. Fletcher evidently preferring the right wings throwing the environment under a bus tin order to exploit and export finite oil and toxic minerals as quickly as possible.

Personally, I am swayed in favour of the recipient of the Order of Canada, over those who have so little soul even offering asbestos for sale.

Barry Whiting


Sooke News Mirror