Letters: Fletcher speaks truth

Letter writer takes issue with response to Tom Fletcher's column

Missing from Ted Roberts’ hackneyed rant against Tom Fletcher, in your October 23, 2013 issue, is the truth about BCTF activities and the root cause of poverty.

Websites of the Sooke Teachers’ Association and the B.C. Teachers’ Federation have many examples of neo-Marxist lingo such as “social justice,” solidarity, and globalization. Some material and workshops claim to advocate peace yet they promote what causes war – collectivism. I don’t see educational units showing the great improvement in agricultural productivity that feeds the world, the benefits of petroleum energy for humans, nor how plastics made from petroleum are used in medical care.

B.C.’s school system has not stopped bullying, despite many programs for many years. In the Sooke school district some students could not grasp the immorality of “Kick a Ginger Day.” Who failed to teach them? Why the failure? I say because schools teach collectivism rather than respect for honest individuals. Redheads hadn’t been identified as a group for special treatment, so some Sooke district students kicked them.

Roberts fails to see that poverty is not caused by responsible budgets, but by government barriers and personal difficulties. Poor people are far better off in this relatively free society, in contrast to Marxist North Korea where starving residents are forbidden to accept food from relatives in China.

Why does Ted Roberts defend a monopolist union that uses its power to push an unbalanced approach to education?

Keith Sketchley


Sooke News Mirror