Letters: Follow firefighters in Panama on blog

Sooke firefighters are training firefighters in Central America

We are on our way to Panama today, (Mar. 30).  As many of you know, there are six firefighters from Sooke heading to Boquete, Panama to conduct firefighter training to the members of that town and surrounding area.  We have worked hard since May of 2012 to make this experience a reality.  The six of us fly out of Seattle this evening on a red-eye flight to Houston, then fly from Houston to Panama City, then change airports and take another flight to David. We overnight there, and are getting a van the next morning to arrive in Boquete the afternoon of April 1. We are conducting the training exercises each day from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for 30 of their region’s firefighters.

For those of you who are interested in seeing where we are and what we are doing each day, I will be updating a blog with photos daily.(sookefirefighters.wordpress.com).

My hope is that we can update it regularly, but we may encounter a few internet obstacles along the way.  We’d love it if you followed us through this experience. If anyone would like to get in touch with us, we can be reached on my emailcamnorrisjones@shaw.ca

Thank you all for your support of our group, we couldn’t be more proud to represent our district and Department.

Cam Norris-Jones

Fire Fighter

Sooke Fire Rescue Service

Sooke News Mirror